Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Stargate Origins Free To Stream

 Stargate Origins is a web series that explores the backstory of Catherine Langford, who went through the Stargate in 1939 to save her father from a Nazi cult. It is a prequel to the Stargate franchise, which includes a film and several TV shows. Here are some key facts about Stargate Origins:

- It consists of 10 episodes, each 10 minutes long, released in 2018 on MGM's Stargate Command service.

- It stars Ellie Gall as Catherine Langford, Connor Trinneer as her father Paul Langford, and Aylam Orian as the Nazi occultist Wilhelm Brücke.

- It is set in Egypt and Abydos, a desert planet controlled by Aset, a rebel demi-god who wants to overthrow Ra, the supreme god of the Stargate universe.

- It shows how Catherine learned to use the Stargate, a device that can transport people across the galaxy, and how she met Kasuf, a native of Abydos who later became her ally and friend.

- It was created and written by Mark Ilvedson and Justin Michael Terry, and directed by Mercedes Bryce Morgan.

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