Showing posts with label Dust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dust. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sci-Fi Short Film "Eternal Dawn" | DUST

 Eternal Dawn is an anticipative short documentary painting the story of humankind exploring our universe after discovering the secret to eternal youth.

"Eternal Dawn" by Tom Serin & Thibault Fotré Connect with the Filmmakers:   / thibault_fotre     / tom_serin   Director's Statement: Science is often disliked by young people. Yet, the great minds of humanity gave us science so that we could dream. We really wanted to use it to write this film. AI and new technologies open up new horizons where immortality, or at least the extension of human life, is an extremely serious topic. We were eager to share our vision of a world where aging is no longer a problem. Space travel would then be completely transformed, and humanity could finally set out to conquer our galaxy.

Sylvester McCoy: The Seventh Doctor’s Legacy

  Sylvester McCoy brought a unique charm and depth to Doctor Who when he took on the role of the Seventh Doctor from 1987 to 1989. As the f...